Friday 10 January 2014

Burn for Burn Post One!

Hey! For Brianna and I's Burn for Burn Read-a-Long, we decided we'd do a joint-post for each segment we read. For the first section (page 80 / Chapter 7), to have been completed yesterday, we chose to explore characters. From our first impressions of the characters, we have used a creator on dolldivine (the Lord of the Rings one) to express how we think their physical appearance looks like, and from that you can infer things about their personality. The character creator we are using is very in-depth for facial expressions, which is why we chose it, but is very limited in the sense of modern clothing. For this reason, I'll provide some things I might've added if I could. The only rule we have is don't use the cover! To see Brianna's post, you can click here so you can compare and contrast our two ideas of the characters.

Mary. Unknowingly like Brianna, I also created Mary in the moment she saw Reese. This moment really stood out to me because it is the first time we really see and understand how Mary feels and see her in our minds. I tried to create the look of discomfort and uncertainty, and that moment when you're just about to cry but haven't yet. I actually really liked the way her hair turned out, the colour was spot-on and I loved the wind-blown, curly look to her hair. It seemed to fit the way the book described and also the image I had in my head.

What I would add/change:
  • Cardigan: I always just picture Mary wearing a white cardigan *shrugs*
  • Pants: If it were summertime (which it is in the book), I would change the white jeans to white jean short-shorts instead.
  • Shoes: Change the shoes, they look kind of old fashioned. I would personally picture her in those strappy sandals or flats. 

Lillia. I had a vision in my head for how I wanted Lillia to look, and I wasn't sure I could achieve that with this creator. However, I think I did alright. I really love the way her hair turned out because I picture it being straight, but her always having to curl it and wave it and style it because she's friends with Rennie and therefore expected to look excellent 24/7. With her outfit, I tried to create her white cashmere sweater. I was also happy with the expression I achieved for her face, I can't put a finger on it, but it seemed so her.

What I would add/change:
  • Eyeliner: In the book, she talks about putting winged eyeliner on asian eyes. I think it would be so cool if I could add that.
  • Pants: I picture her much more with a short black or white skirt, but it didn't have that option, so I chose basic jeans instead.
  • Shoes: Though the high heels also seem to fit for her, I would rather choose espadrilles because in the book it mentions she wears them. I always espadrilles as red, black, or white, so it would be one of those colours. 

Kat. I love Kat!! She's easily my favourite character so far. For her, I really wanted a kind of tough look to her, because she's not afraid of getting right in there and stating her mind. I created her face with harder lines than either Mary or Lillia (like her eyebrows and eyes). Her hardened expression shows that she's not exactly forgiving, but she also has an air of mischievousness in her expression which reminds me of her fire when she stood up to Rennie. Again for Kat, I really like the hair! I picture it dark brown and relaxed: not exactly wavy, not exactly straight. I see her as a person who honestly doesn't really care.

What I would add/change:
  • Pants: Frayed and faded denim cut-offs are what I picture for Kat. If I could do that, I definitely would.
  • Shoes: I picture her in either unlaced, folded-over cuffed combat boots, or a casual pair of black flip-flops.

That's all for now! On Sunday you can expect another joint-post from the two of us. I am absolutely loving this book so far, I definitely recommend it. Hope you enjoyed this, have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. It's so funny looking at the differences! I really like all of your characters (except for Kat... jk she's great but I love my Kat... her hair adjf;kldjsf;alkds) and I can defiantly see where you got your ideas from. And the cargo boots fit Kat so well! I can't believe I didn't think of that :/

    I'm eagerly awaiting our next joint post. Thanks for doing this with me!!

    ~ Brianna @ For The Love of Books


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